‘Restoration of NHS services is about reset and not just recovery’

Alamac support to undertaking robust demand and capacity modelling

Restoration of NHS services is about reset not just about recovery’ (Niall Dickson, chief executive of the NHS Confederation). As we move into phase 2 / 3 of the current COVID19 pandemic and restore, retain and recovery aswell as thinking about the move into winter planning,  taking and embedding the learns of recent months will be essential. Understanding demand at service lines across the patient pathway and the capacity required to address this efficiently and effectively, is essential in re-setting services into BAU in a safe way.

Alamac is proud to be supporting our clients at system and organisational level, proactively understand and forecast local demand profiles and ensure capacity is aligned, planned for and resourced to meet this. If you require additional capacity and capability to work with your teams to restore services to address National access targets, our experienced analytical team and operational experts are available now and can work with your teams to progress this at pace.